Here’s a guide to some of the most frequently asked questions that we get asked about burglaries and home invasions, as prepared by the expert Myrtle Beach lock repair and Myrtle Beach emergency locksmith team here at Myrtle Beach Locksmith.
What’s the main difference between burglary and robbery?
While many people mi x up these terms, they are in fact different. Robbery involves using force or threats to steal, while burglary does not involve violence or the threat of violence. Usually nobody is home during burglaries. The criminal can easily enter and exit the house without anybody noticing and vanish your belongings in a simple matter of minutes.
How common are burglaries?
It’s estimated that one burglary occurs in the United States every 15 seconds, which rounds out to around 4,800 burglaries every day of the year!
What time of day do burglaries most occur, and where do they most occur?
The majority of burglaries actually happen during the daytime, between 10 and 3pm (when adults are at work and children are at school). The majority of burglaries also occur in rural areas rather than in cities, with burglars appreciating distance and silence to avoid getting noticed. The States of Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Akansas experience the highest rates of burglary in the country.
How can I protect my property from burglary?
Install high-security ANSI Grade 1 locks on all exterior doors of your property, including back doors. Make sure that your windows have sturdy locks installed and activated. Don’t hide keys around your property. Install a high quality home security system complete with alarm, CCTV camera, motion detector system, and, if possible, smart home technology compatibility. Make sure to only purchase high quality, well constructed deadbolt locks ,ensure that the exterior of your home is brightly lit throughout the night, and avoid having large plants, bushes, or trees in close proximity to your windows.